Speeding Tickets

Speeding Tickets

Speeding Ticket Lawyers in Lumberton and Surrounding Towns in Robeson County, North Carolina

If you’ve been issued a speeding ticket in Lumberton, North Carolina, you might be facing a range of penalties. These penalties can include the suspension of your license, increased insurance costs, and fines. While it might be tempting to just pay a speeding ticket, because the fines tend to be several hundred dollars, the real cost of a speeding ticket can include increases to your insurance premiums. Additionally, a single speeding ticket for driving more than the posted speed limit can result in points being added to your record.

Drivers can also face license suspension for certain violations. For example, if you are found guilty of driving 15 miles per hour higher than the posted speed limit, your driver’s license could be suspended for more than 30 days. If this is your second charge of driving 15 miles per hour over the posted speed limit, you could lose your driver’s license for 60 days. Furthermore, if you accumulate more than 12 points on your driving record in a 3 year period, your driver’s license could also be suspended.

The consequences of being found guilty of speeding in Lumberton, North Carolina can be high. Fortunately, if you’ve been ticketed, you are innocent until you are found guilty. Mark D. Locklear is a speeding ticket lawyer in Lumberton, North Carolina who may be able to help you fight your speeding ticket, get your charges reduced or dropped, and help you navigate the court system if you have been issued a speeding ticket.

Understanding the Real Cost of Your Speeding Ticket in North Carolina

The true cost of your speeding ticket is so much more than the cost of the citation itself and the cost of court fees. If you are found guilty of speeding, you could face higher insurance premiums. According to the North Carolina Department of Insurance, Consumer’s Guide to Automobile Insurance, you could face at least a 30% increase in your insurance premiums, if you were found guilty of driving at least 10 miles over the posted speed limit. However, if you were driving more than 10 miles over the posted speed limit, you could face a 45% increase in your insurance premiums. And, if you were driving 75 miles per hour or more in an area where the posted speed limit was less than 70 miles per hour, or found guilty of driving 80 miles per hour or higher in an area where the posted speed limit was 70, you could face as much of an 80% increase in your insurance premiums.

The real cost of a speeding ticket in North Carolina can be incredibly high. However, if this is your first speeding violation, you may have options and rights. Mark D. Locklear’s speeding ticket law firm in Lumberton, North Carolina may be able to petition the court to reduce your speeding ticket violation to a lesser charge that may carry no points and no insurance penalties. Individuals may also be able to make a Prayer for Judgement Continued if they cannot pay their speeding ticket. With a Prayer for Judgement Continued, you may still have a conviction on your record, but you may not face insurance penalties. If you have questions about your options for fighting a speeding ticket in Lumberton, North Carolina, contact Mark D. Locklear for speeding ticket help today.

Speeding Ticket Help in Lumberton, North Carolina

Mark D. Locklear is a speeding ticket lawyer in Lumberton, North Carolina who helps individuals who have been issued speeding tickets. If you can’t pay your speeding ticket, are concerned about license suspension, or want to avoid insurance premium increases, contact our firm for speeding ticket help today. You may have a range of options under the law.